About Us>Medical Advisory Board > Virginia Kaklamani, MD, DSc

Virginia Kaklamani, MD, DSc

Medical Oncologist, Mays Cancer Center

Headshot of Dr. Virginia Kaklamani


  • Professor of medicine in the division of hematology/oncology at the University of Texas Health Sciences Center in San Antonio
  • Leader of the breast cancer program at the Mays Cancer Center, home to University of Texas Health San Antonio MD Anderson
  • Research interests include designing clinical trials with targeted agents
  • Has identified several genetic mutations that link obesity and breast cancer 

Connect with Dr. Kaklamani


Dr. Kaklamani was head of the translational breast cancer program at Northwestern University and co-director of the cancer genetics program at the same institution. She has also served as the associate director for clinical research at University of Texas Health San Antonio.

Her research interests include designing clinical trials with targeted agents. Dr. Kaklamani has also identified several genetic mutations that link obesity and breast cancer.




I still love working in the clinic, helping my patients and trying to solve their particular issues. During my residency, I cared for a large and diverse population of cancer patients, which was a fulfilling experience. And I never looked back on my decision to become an oncologist.

Dr. Virginia Kaklamani, MD, The ASCO Post


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