Blog guidelines
Sharing your story
We embrace the power of personal stories in understanding and navigating breast cancer. Your unique journey can help others feel less alone and empower them in their journeys.
Here's a quick guide to help you shine in your LBBC blog post:
Writing the first draft
Length: Between 600-1,200 words but concentrate on telling your story. We will help you with the word count.
Your voice: Speak from your heart, sharing what happened to you and what you learned.
Show, don't tell: Describe where you were, how you felt, what things helped you through. Describe the details that create a picture for your readers so they can be “there with you,” too.
Be yourself: If you have written a book, developed a product, or have a website and this info comes up naturally in your story, feel free to include it. There's no need for promotion as the power of your story will speak for itself.
Sharing Details
Bio/about you: Tell us your name, age, and a bit about your diagnosis. Share some things you like to do to connect with readers.
Photos: Send us 4-6 pictures (horizontal or square look best) that show who you are. Separate files give us more choice.
Stay connected: Let us know if you'd like us to share your social media handles.
Permission: LBBC loves showing diverse stories in different places (online, social media, magazines, etc.). So, we may use your photo, name, and hometown to help others see how breast cancer affects many people. If you have concerns about your privacy, please let us know. We understand privacy concerns and offer other ways to be involved if you prefer.
Working together in editing
We'll be your partners in sharing your story! We'll suggest edits and improvements in stages, making sure your voice and message come through loud and clear. Revisions mostly help things like clarity, accuracy, and making it easy to read. There may be two or more rounds of revisions, all designed to make your story shine its very brightest.
Your Time
We'll suggest a tentative deadline for your draft, but if you need more time, just let us know. We can be flexible.
By participating, you're helping us spread awareness and support others affected by breast cancer. We're so excited to have you share your story and be part of our supportive community!