> Shannon Puhalla, MD

Shannon Puhalla, MD



Shannon L. Puhalla, MD, is assistant professor of medicine in the division of hematology and oncology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, where she maintains a clinical practice in breast oncology at the Magee-Women’s Hospital of UPMC.

Dr. Puhalla's research interests include care of women with metastatic breast cancer, new targeted medicines for triple-negative breast cancer, and how to reverse resistance to hormonal therapies in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer. She is the principle investigator on National Cancer Institute and pharmaceutical-sponsored phase I and II studies.

Dr. Puhalla serves as the liaison between the Molecular Therapeutics and Drug Discovery programs of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute. She has received awards from the American Society of Clinical Oncology, the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, the National Cancer Institute and the Breast Cancer Specialized Program of Research Excellence (SPORE), which is co-held by Johns Hopkins University and the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Puhalla has had her worked published in medical journals such as the Journal of Clinical Oncology and serves as a guest reviewer for the journal Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology.