> The Tutu Project of the Carey Foundation Supports the Living Beyond Breast Cancer Fund

The Tutu Project of the Carey Foundation Supports the Living Beyond Breast Cancer Fund


When you are diagnosed with breast cancer, getting the best treatment and caring for your health is the most important thing in your life. Unfortunately, breast cancer also brings financial challenges. These can be sudden, like the cost of treatment, or accumulate over time, like unpaid time off from work for treatment or recovery. This financial strain leaves many people struggling or unable to pay for necessities such as housing, utilities, and groceries.

The National Living Beyond Breast Cancer Fund provides one-time grants of up to $1,000 to women who are undergoing breast cancer treatment and facing financial hardship. These grants cover basic needs including rent, mortgage, and utilities. Through the support of individuals and organizations like the Tutu Project of the Carey Foundation, the LBBC Fund is able to help women pay these bills so they can focus on their health and reduce some of their stress. Since 2018, the Tutu Project of the Carey Foundation has generously granted $110,000 to the National LBBC Fund, ensuring support for people when they need it most. We are grateful for this support and the compassion of Linda Carey, the Carey Foundation’s president and co-founder, who made these grants possible.

“I am on a fixed income yet my bills keep increasing. I am so thankful for the help I received.” says Janet S., a recipient of a grant from the LBBC Fund that was made possible by the Tutu Project of the Carey Foundation.

The program is currently available in Greater Philadelphia and a few select communities throughout the country.

The Tutu Project of the Carey Foundation

The Tutu Project of the Carey Foundation’s goal is to provide financial support for women and men diagnosed with breast cancer, survivors, and their family members by funding organizations and programs that provide assistance to people affected by breast cancer. President and co-founder Linda Carey is passionate about providing support to those diagnosed with breast cancer. Having lived with metastatic breast cancer for 12 years, she understands the emotional roller coaster brought about by a diagnosis of cancer.