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Our video library features medical experts and community members who help grow your understanding of the impact of breast cancer on every aspect of your life.
Your go-to source for the medical news and practical information that impacts your care.
02/17/25 | BY: Nicole Katze
Breast cancer and mental health: Real stories, expert advice, and strategies for coping with anxiety, depression, and treatment challenges. A breast cancer diagnosis can take a toll on emotional well-being, especially for those already managing a mental health condition. Learn how to navigate care, find support, and advocate for the help you need.
Why gender matters in breast cancer care
A new survey of healthcare providers, policy, and advocacy organizations conducted by FORCE and Living Beyond Breast Cancer in partnership with the National LGBT Cancer Network identified improving gender and sexual orientation inclusivity as a priority in providing competent care.
Our video library features medical experts and community members who help grow your understanding of the impact of breast cancer on every aspect of your life.
Your source for easy-to-digest medical news and life management tools.
Get medical news from the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium and ASCO. Our curated stories guide you through the most important issues facing the breast cancer community – and help you understand how they impact your care and your life.
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Breast cancer news is designed for educational and informational purposes only. For answers to specific questions or concerns, please consult your health care providers. Our content is not intended in any way to substitute for professional counseling or medical advice.
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