
Get Involved>Volunteer>Leadership Volunteer programs > Hear My Voice Metastatic Advocate program

Hear My Voice Metastatic Advocacy Program

Collage of 2023 Hear My Voice class

If you want to discover who you are as an advocate, learn how to raise awareness about metastatic breast cancer and connect with other people living with stage IV, LBBC’s Hear My Voice Advocacy Program may be for you.

Hear My Voice Advocates are trained how to use their personal stories along with statistics and insights about metastatic breast cancer to increase awareness. You will also learn about the many offerings LBBC has to help people in your community understand their diagnosis, make informed decisions and get the support they need.

Past advocates have “raised their voice” about metastatic breast cancer through blogging and social media outreach, fundraising for LBBC programs to support those living with metastatic breast cancer, spoken about their experiences in their local communities, participated on research review boards, started new advocacy organizations, shared LBBC materials with healthcare providers, called for more funding for breast cancer research, and so much more.


My experience has meant so much to me, more than I thought it would. It has opened up a side of myself that I didn't know I had in me. I could dwell on what cancer has taken away from me but instead this program has given me an opportunity to learn more about myself and educate people on MBC.

2022 Hear My Voice Advocate


Applications for 2024 are now closed.


Jade Lleonart Adler

Community Engagement Coordinator



Download the 2024 flyer.

Schedule Section

Frequently asked questions

What does the Hear My Voice virtual training program involve?

Participants accepted into the program will need to complete a virtual training which will consist of:

Live virtual sessions
Session 1: Saturday, March 23, 2024 – 12:00-4:00pm ET
Session 2: Friday, April 5, 2024 – 12:00-4:00pm ET
Session 3: Saturday, April 6, 2024 – 11:00am-1:30pm ET
Session 4: Saturday, April 6, 2024 – 2:00-5:00pm ET
Session 5: Sunday, April 7, 2024 - 11:00am – 3:30pm ET

Self-paced learning

Some aspects of the training also include self-paced learning exercises and reflection documents about the videos. These exercises are foundational to the training and you should expect to dedicate approximately 4 hours to completing them.

You must be able to attend ALL the live virtual sessions and complete the self-paced learning in order to be trained and activated as a Hear My Voice Advocate.

Who is eligible for the program?

All people diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer currently living in the United States.

We are seeking a diverse candidate pool, including:

• Applicants of a variety of ages, including people who are under age 45 and over age 65
• Applicants of all income levels, including those with an annual household gross income at or below 250 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines
• Applicants from all ethnic & racial backgrounds, sexual orientations and gender identities
• Applicants from all U.S. states and territories
• Applicants with a variety of subtypes of and sites of metastatic breast cancer

What do participants accepted into the program do?

Each participant will be required to complete the following within their volunteer commitment term which runs through March 31, 2025:

• Work to connect others in their community either virtually or in person to LBBC’s programs and services
• Conduct at least two individual activities in their community either virtually or in person and work to connect others to LBBC's programs and services
• Connect Healthcare providers to LBBC resources
• Complete a coaching call with LBBC staff to discuss community activities
• Attend 4 check-in calls during active term
• Submit activity reports regularly throughout the program to LBBC
• Receive ongoing technical support from LBBC experts, advocacy leaders and peer support throughout the program
• Have the optional opportunity to travel to Philadelphia to attend LBBC’s Conference on Metastatic Breast Cancer in April 2024 and meet in-person with other members of the 2024 Hear My Voice cohort

What resources will I need to successfully participate in the virtual training?

• Full access to a computer or smart device - with video and microphone capabilities - for the full duration of training
• High speed internet connection
• Comfort with utilizing a virtual platform such as Zoom or Go-To Meetings

Schedule Section

Optional opportunity

The 2024 Hear My Voice program cohort will have the optional opportunity to travel to and attend LBBC’s annual Conference on Metastatic Breast Cancer in Philadelphia from Friday, April 19 to Sunday, April 21. Financial assistance will be provided for those who are accepted and have completed training as a Hear My Voice advocate.

What costs does LBBC cover?

• Primary travel stipend to and from the conference, including airfare, train, bus or car (up to $500)
• Two nights at the conference hotel in a room shared with another Hear My Voice volunteer. Hear My Voice volunteers who live more than 20 miles outside the conference region are eligible for a hotel room.
• Roundtrip ground transportation to and from the airport in Philadelphia (up to $70).
• Hotel parking in Philadelphia.
• Driving tolls.
• Conference fee waiver.

The above is designed to offset the cost of traveling to the conference. It will NOT cover all your expenses.

What will I be responsible for paying for?

• Any primary travel expenses not covered by LBBC
• Any additional travel-related expenses, such as luggage fees, airport/train/bus station parking fees, flight change fees, travel insurance, etc.
• Any hotel expenses not covered by LBBC
• Rental cars
• Incidentals charged to your hotel room (including, but not limited to, room service, health club charges, gift shop charges)

How do I make my travel arrangements?

If you are accepted into the program and choose to travel to the conference, you are responsible for reserving your travel and making all necessary payments upfront. Hear My Voice participants will be reimbursed for their travel expenses after the conference.

LBBC will reserve your shared hotel room for you and assign you a roommate from the Hear My Voice Program. This will be 100% covered by LBBC and paid upfront.

If you would like a single room, LBBC will reserve your hotel room for you and you will be responsible for 50% of the total charge upon check-out, which comes out to approximately $240 (including taxes). LBBC will cover the other 50% upfront.

Additional information will be provided upon acceptance.

3 Tier Sponsors

Thank you 2024 Hear My Voice Program sponsors


Sponsors as of April 10, 2024