
Hear My Voice: #4forStageIV

Each year Hear My Voice metastatic advocates share personal perspectives of life with metastatic breast cancer via a social media campaign

Jeanmarie holding a sign that says Educate, Advocate, Research, Cure

Metastatic breast cancer is breast cancer that has spread beyond the breast to a distant organ of the body, most often the bones, liver, lungs, or brain. Metastatic breast cancer can be treated, but it cannot be cured. There are more than 168,000 Americans living with metastatic breast cancer, and this year the disease will take the lives of nearly 700,000 people around the world.

Chandler holding a sign that says Thrive, Reach out, Unity, Energize
Lisa holding a sign that says Living, Community, Scared, Advocate
Tiffany holding a sign that says grief, uncertainty, resilience, gratitude

People with metastatic breast cancer are your loved ones, your friends, your co-workers, and your neighbors. They are beside you, and you may not even know it -- they may look healthy, but they are in ongoing treatment that deeply affects the quality and length of their lives. They deserve to be seen, heard, and understood.

We asked our Hear My Voice metastatic advocates to share four words they wish people knew about living with metastatic disease in our #4forStageIV campaign. See what they shared on social media; share your own words of hope, awareness, and support; and spread the word about this campaign.


Share your #4forStageIV

We want to see your #4forStageIV. Share your four words about living with or caring for someone with metastatic breast cancer and tag Living Beyond Breast Cancer with the hashtags #4forStageIV #LiveBeyondBC. Then, nominate four friends to do the same.

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