
Get Involved > Get screened together: Breast and prostate cancer can be linked

Get screened together: Breast and prostate cancer can be linked


Living Beyond Breast Cancer has partnered with ZERO – The End of Prostate Cancer to help bring education and awareness to families on what they should know about breast and prostate cancer. To encourage families to #GetScreenedTogether, we are highlighting the intersection of both types of cancers and how they can be linked by genetics.

Breast and Prostate Cancers share similar disease incidence and mortality rates and disproportionately impact the Black community. In addition to providing education, we are sharing support resources for those impacted by cancer.

When awareness meets action- we can drive change.

  • Talk to your doctor about risk factors
  • Talk to family members, regardless of gender, about their health history
  • Commit to #GetScreenedTogether


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