> Volunteer Spotlight: Jamie LaScala

Volunteer Spotlight: Jamie LaScala

  • 4 Min. Read
  • 04/08/19

Volunteers make the work the Living Beyond Breast Cancer staff does every day possible. From in-office support to event staffing and peer helpline calls, people like you help us strive toward our vision of a world where no one with breast cancer feels uninformed or alone.

To celebrate the people who devote so much of their time to LBBC’s programs and resources we’ve started Volunteer Spotlight, a series to share more about who they are and why they do what they do.

Jamie LaScala, 44, of Wilmington, Delaware, was diagnosed with stage III breast cancer in 2015. She is a Living Beyond Breast Cancer Young Advocate.

What’s your favorite thing about volunteering in your community?

Through LBBC’s Young Advocate program, I made friends whose journeys I enjoy following, and I very much look forward to seeing them again at conferences. Post training, the staff at LBBC continues to be supportive in my volunteer efforts.

What’s the most unique volunteer activity you’ve ever done?

I have become more involved in research advocacy through the National Breast Cancer Coalition’s Project LEAD Institute, the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium and being a Komen Advocate in Science. As a Komen Advocate in Science I recently – for the first time – supported a researcher applying for a grant. Fingers crossed!

Tell us a fun fact about yourself!

Never a runner before, I am now part of a survivor running group that trains for the West Chester, Pennsylvania-based Unite For HER 5K.

When you’re not volunteering, what are people likely to find you doing?

Spending time with family (my husband and son) and friends, often on a sports field, and sometimes traveling. I also like reading, including cookbooks!

Thank you to Jamie LaScala and all of our volunteers. If you would like to volunteer for LBBC, visit our page on volunteering.