Blogs > #mybodytude: Redefining Beauty After Diagnosis and Treatment

#mybodytude: Redefining Beauty After Diagnosis and Treatment


Tonie Jones, panelist for our July 14 Breast Cancer 360 program,  blogs about redefining beauty for #mybodytude. Read other posts in the mybodytude photo diary series. After she began treatment for metastatic breast cancer, Hear My Voice Outreach Volunteer Tonie Jones forced herself to rediscover her body's strength and beauty. The esthetician chronicles her "bodytude" from before diagnosis, after and beyond in this photo diary for the #mybodytude campaign. Go to Instagram and share your selfie after a breast cancer diagnosis - use #mybodytude and you’ll have the chance to win a Visa gift card! Visit LBBC.ORG to learn more about this selfie contest and campaign.

Tonie 1 My name is Tonie. At the age of 43 I had started a new career as an Esthetician and Makeup Artist. I was finally living my dream. I was also thrilled that I had finally gotten back down to a size 10 in jeans. Little did I know I was thin because I was sick. Four months after this picture was taken I was diagnosed with Stage IV Metastatic Breast Cancer. #mybodytude #breastcancer #bodyimage #baldisbeautiful #bodypositivity #dontignorestageiv #cancersucks #bcsm #breastcancerawareness #metastaticbreastcancer

Tonie 2

I was scared of so much. I was scared of how cancer would change my looks. I was scared of how my clients would react to me as I began to lose my hair and eyebrows. But, mostly I was scared of dying and leaving my three daughters without a mother. I had to fight and, I had to live. #mybodytude #breastcancer #bodyimage #baldisbeautiful #bodypositivity #dontignorestageiv #cancersucks #bcsm #breastcancerawareness #metastaticbreastcancer

Tonie 3

Tonie 4 As my hair began to sprout up I faced the challenge of losing my breast. In August 2014, I had a double mastectomy without reconstruction. Talk about changes to your #mybodytude. After, losing so much of myself I physically I had to dig deep emotionally to find myself again. #mybodytude #breastcancer #bodyimage #baldisbeautiful #bodypositivity #dontignorestageiv #cancersucks #bcsm #breastcancerawareness #metastaticbreastcancer

Tonie 5 This picture was taken at my fist LBBC conference for MBC. This was the first time I was in room with other women who had the same body challenges that I had. It was liberating to look across the room and see others who had just grown their hair back, had just lost their hair and other beautiful women who were breastless. It was the first time in a long time that I had felt beautiful and not embarrassed about my body in really long time. #mybodytude #breastcancer #bodyimage #baldisbeautiful #bodypositivity #dontignorestageiv #cancersucks #bcsm #breastcancerawareness #metastaticbreastcancer

Tonie 6 This is me today! On July 15th, it will be two years since chemo ended. I'm not cured but I am stable. I am grateful for everyday that comes. The brows are thinner, I am back to wearing my wigs and extensions, Although, I work out pretty regularly I am 25lbs heavier than I was when I was diagnosed. Everyday, I find an issue with my body. I hate summers and tank tops. It's so hard to work that out with bras and prosthesis. I begin my journey of reconstruction in October. All that being said life is to precious to really worry too much about the extra pounds, and stunted hair growth. I look in the mirror and I see me. Beautiful, strong, courageous me. That's my #mybodytude. #breastcancer #bodyimage #baldisbeautiful #bodypositivity #dontignorestageiv #cancersucks #bcsm #breastcancerawareness #metastaticbreastcancer

Share your bodytude after breast cancer on Instagram with #mybodytude! Follow these instructions for the chance to win a gift card for joining the campaign. See what others are posting to #mybodytude on Instagram. Get more information and hear more of Tonie's story during our free program on Thursday, July 14, Love, Sex and Relationships: Body Acceptance After Diagnosis.

Tonie Jones is an ethetician in the Denver, CO area known as The Brow Snob. She was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in 2014. Follow her on Instagram: brow_snob.