
Mets Conference photo usage tips

Answers to common questions


Q: Can I share my photos on social media?

A: You are free to share your photos on your social media profiles if you give proper credit to the photographer Peggy Woosley.

You can add this to the comment or caption “Photo credit: Peggy Woosley” and tag her at:

  • @lapegphotography (IG)
  • La Peg Photography (FB)

Q: What file format will the photos be in?

A: The photos are in JPG/JPEG format, which is a common format that can be opened on most devices.

Q: Can I edit my photos?

A: Yes, you are free to edit your photos as long as it’s for personal use only.

Q: How will LBBC be using these photos?

A: Before the photoshoot, all participants were required to sign a photo release form. These forms gave Living Beyond Breast Cancer permission to use the photos taken during the shoot for promotional materials. View 2023 photo release form

A: For all other photos and videos taken by LBBC, photo and video disclaimer signs were posted and shared digitally throughout the conference weekend. View 2023 photo and video disclaimer sign

Still have questions?

If you have additional questions or concerns regarding the photo release form or the use of your photos, contact Courtney Baldelli at