Sheila Godreau
Patient Advocate, Florida
- Speaker, 2025 Conference on Metastatic Breast Cancer
- Advisory committee member and speaker, 2023 Conference on Metastatic Breast Cancer
- LBBC Hear My Voice Advocate 2022
- Legislative advocate
- Research advocate
Sheila Godreau is passionate about supporting other people facing metastatic breast cancer in their journey.
Sheila promotes the importance of self-advocacy and education among thrivers and their caregivers, connects thrivers with services and organizations to help maximize their quality of life, and advocates for increased research funding for metastatic breast cancer.
Sheila has volunteered with several organizations in addition to Living Beyond Breast Cancer, including Project Life, METAvivor, MBC Alliance, and She also serves as a consumer reviewer for grants submitted to the Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program.
Sheila is a program manager for a software company and speaks fluent Spanish. She enjoys bringing hope and joy to others, empowering them to be the best version of themselves.
I believe the day will come when metastatic breast cancer is a curable disease. To get there, we need to share the reality of this journey. I am not a statistic, nor is my life defined by MBC. However, I feel empowered and responsible to share what MBC is and what it isn’t, what patients and caregivers need, and why.