> [VIDEO] Talking about breast reconstruction

[VIDEO] Talking about breast reconstruction

  • 3 Min. Read
  • 09/25/19

Sisters Kristen McHugh and Tracy Brown were diagnosed with breast cancer 10 years apart. Kristen’s diagnosis came first, in 2007. She completed implant reconstruction in 2008. Over the years, the implant reconstruction failed, ultimately leading to implant removal and a free-flap reconstruction in 2018. Kristen most recently had revision surgery in 2019.

Tracy’s diagnosis came in 2017. That same year, she had implant reconstruction. So far she’s had no complications.

Tracy and Kristen are intimately connected to LBBC – Tracy as a former member of our board of directors, and Kristen as the designer of a ring for our Shop to Support partner Silpada.

LBBC asked Kristen and Tracy to interview one another about their breast reconstruction experiences. Here’s what they had to say.


Do you still have questions after reconstructive surgery? Visit our breast reconstruction section for more information.