> [VIDEO] Lingering Questions After Breast Reconstruction

[VIDEO] Lingering Questions After Breast Reconstruction

  • 3 Min. Read
  • 09/13/19

We asked members of our community to share their experiences with breast reconstruction. In this video, four young women who are part of Living Beyond Breast Cancer’s Young Women’s Initiative share their questions about reconstruction, some that cause concern years after breast surgery.

Amanda Celeste, Dalynn Coffman, Shannon Norris, and Marissa Thomas are volunteers for Living Beyond Breast Cancer’s Young Advocate Program. Learn more about the program.

Do you still have questions after reconstructive surgery? They will be answered at the 2019 Living Beyond Breast Cancer Conference: Sharing Wisdom, Sharing Strength breakout session Ask the Experts: Lingering Questions After Breast Reconstruction with panelists Minas Chrysopoulo, MD, FACS, and Tara Dunsmore-Williamson. Register, or check back in late September for a link to the recording.

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