Blogs > Life to Live

Life to Live

  • 4 Min. Read
  • 05/31/16

Karyn Williams participated in Writing the Journey, our writing workshop series for people affected by breast cancer. “Life to Live” is a poem she wrote for the workshop.


I will not die an unlived life.

I will not live each day afraid,

I will deal with reality, no matter how hard.

I will inhabit my days with dignity,

Allowing this experience to open me,

to make me less fearful, courageous.

I will question and not be lead,

live so that which comes to me now as the only way,

goes to the next as a possible way.

I will follow my own path,

Make decisions

Of which I won't regret.


The second part of my life will be...

watching clouds soft in the sky, seeing dragons

and elephants floating by.

Sitting often,

back straight, legs crossed,

having my mind soften.

Wearing Jimmy Choo, Dior,

Gucci, Chanel.....

Riding on a carousel....

Organic, healthy, informed,

aware, spiritually wealthy.

The second part of my life will be


Karyn Williams, 59, is a mother of four children and has two grandchildren (and another on the way). She lives in Australia with her loving husband. Karyn was diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer in 2008. In 2014, she learned she had metastatic breast cancer in her lungs, liver, brain and spine. Karyn has been pleased to find support through online communities like those offered through Living Beyond Breast Cancer.