M. Tish Knobf, PhD, RN, FAAN, AOCN

- Professor of Oncology Nursing at Yale University
- American Academy of Nursing fellow
Dr. Knobf is the American Cancer Society Professor of Oncology Nursing at Yale University School of Nursing, in New Haven, Conn., and a fellow in the American Academy of Nursing.
A clinician and researcher for more than three decades, Dr. Knobf focuses on developing strategies to improve the health and outcomes of women with early-stage and metastatic breast cancer. Her research interests include developing interventions for long-term side effects of cancer treatment.
Dr. Knobf has received many awards, including the Oncology Nursing Society Excellence in Breast Cancer Education award, the Yale School of Nursing Annie Goodrich Teaching award and the American Cancer Society Bronze Medal, Distinguished Service Awards. She publishes and speaks frequently to professionals and consumers, and she often advises LBBC on its publications and other programs.