Katherine Contreras
Patient Advocate, California
- Speaker, 2025 Conference on Metastatic Breast Cancer
- Retired elementary school teacher
Katherine Contreras, a retired elementary school teacher, was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer at age 43.
After completing treatment in April 2004, she believed her cancer had been caught early and all would be well. Just seven months later, she was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer.
Over the past 20 years, Katherine has undergone approximately 14 different treatment regimens, more than 100 doses of radiation, and innumerable biopsies and other procedures.
Katherine embraces the opportunities that cancer has provided. She shares her story at community events, volunteers at local and national organizations, and works with several pharmaceutical companies, helping create public awareness campaigns. Living with cancer for such a long time has truly changed her thinking. She says, “Instead of mourning a life cut short by cancer, I can celebrate a life filled with connections. It's a life of love, and of growth, and courage and so much more.”
Born and raised in Southern California, Katherine now resides in Carlsbad, California, with her husband of 44 years, Ray. She is mother to three children, including Rachel, who has Down Syndrome and lives with her parents, and grandmother of two boys.