
Get Involved>Donate > Stock and donor advised fund gifts

Stock & donor advised fund gifts


Stock gifts

Making a gift of stock, bonds or mutual funds gifts is a simple way to contribute to LBBC. Gifts of securities held for more than 1 year can bring special tax benefits to you as the donor.

To learn more, please contact Mary Beth Mills, Director, Development, at (855) 807-6386, ext. 127 or

Donor advised fund gifts

A donor advised fund (DAF) is a type of giving program administered by a third party that allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to easily support your favorite charities. DAFs allow donors to give cash, stock and other assets where the donor receives an immediate tax deduction when the contribution is made but can grant specified amounts to the charities of their choice at a later time. A DAF can easily be set up through a community foundation or your financial institution. If you already have a donor advised fund that participates in DAF Direct, you can recommend grants to support Living Beyond Breast Cancer directly below.